Nursing school program suspending at Mass Bay

Mass Bay Community College in Framingham, Massachusetts, has suspended the program for Fall 2019 and is no longer taking any applications.

The Massachusetts Board of Nursing has asked the school to make some changes after unfavorable survey results. What those changes are though are still something the school is trying to figure out. The school will work with the Board of Nursing to try and find out where they can improve.

At this time all students registered for Spring classes can continue without concern.

It was earlier this year that Quincy college had there Nursing Program revoked from the state by findings and warnings that came from the Massachusetts Board of Nursing that went mostly unanswered by the school. Since that time the Quincy nursing program was left to refund it's students tuition after the abrupt end and revocation of its teaching status. It is promising that Framingham's Mass Bay Community College is proactively taking the lead in finding and fixing the issues found by the state, not just leaving it to the students to waste there time, money, and effort on a program that may end up being revoked.


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